Sponsorship Details
Sponsors Type Amount Rs./USD Privileges to the Sponsor
Stalls Delegates Souvenir Advertisement Page Website List/Link Backdrop/Display Panel Banners Lunch/Dinner Rooms
Principal INR 25,00,000
(USD 35,000)
2 8 2 Colour Link Special Panel 6
Platinum INR 18,00,000
(USD 25,000)
2 6 1 Colour Link Special Panel 4
Diamond INR 12,00,000
(USD 18,000)
1 5 1 Colour Link Special Panel 3
Gold INR 8,00,000
(USD 12,000)
1 4 1 Colour Link Common Panel 2
Silver INR 5,00,000
(USD 7,000)
1 3 1 Colour Link Common Panel 2
Dinner INR 10,00,000
(USD 14,000)
1 4 1 Colour Link Special Panel 3
kit bag INR 5,00,000
(USD 7,000)
1 3 1 Colour Bookmark Link Common Panel + logo on bag Banner 2
Lunch INR 5,00,000
(USD 7,000)
1 3 1 Colour Link Special Panel Banner 2
Lanyard INR 3,00,000
(USD 5,000)
___ 2 1 Colour Link Common Panel 1
High Tea INR 2,00,000
(USD 3,000)
___ 2 1 Colour Link ___ Banner 1
Exhibition Stall INR 2,00,000
(USD 3,000)
1 2 1 Colour Link Company Profile in
Exhibitors Directory
___ 1
Back Cover Rs. 1,00,000/- Back Inside Rs. 50,000/-
Front Inside Cover Rs. 50,000/- Special Page Rs. 30,000/-
Colour Page Rs. 25,000/-
Full Page(B & W) Rs. 15,000/-
Technical Data for advertisement
Paper size 200 X 280 mm Print Area 170 x 230 mm
Please Note : GST @ 18% has to be paid on all payments