Registration Fee
Details Up to 30th Nov. 2022 After 30th Nov. 2022
Till 31st Dec. 2022
Indian Participants *
Members of NAARRI INR 12,000 INR 15,000
Non-Members of NAARRI INR 15,000 INR 18,000
Students & Research Scholars INR 8,000 INR 10,000
Companion INR 8,000 INR 10,000
Overseas Participants
Delegates (with accomodation) **US Dollars 1300 US Dollars 1500
Delegates (without accomodation) US Dollars 700 US Dollars 850
Companion US Dollars 350 US Dollars 450
*Registration Fee includes lunch during the conference, conference kit, tea & coffee, other social events & a soft copy of the conference proceedings.
**Registration fee includes 4 days accommodation at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi.